Welcome From Department Head
Welcome to the UA Department of Materials Science and Engineering!
Materials scientists and engineers develop the building blocks for technologies addressing some of society’s most challenging issues. The mission of the University of Arizona MSE Department is to train students to become part of a diverse workforce of the future. Our graduates create solutions to global issues related to advanced manufacturing, renewable energy, transportation, health care, computing infrastructure, space exploration and more.
Making the Impossible Possible
Materials scientists and engineers aim to make the impossible possible by combining foundational scientific knowledge with the analytical problem-solving abilities of engineers. We seek to understand the chemistry and physics of materials and engineer solutions to overcome their limitations. The field has been instrumental in key 21st-century advances, including high-efficiency solar cells and new battery chemistries for electric cars. Understanding and controlling manufacturing methods is also an important part of MSE. Advances in materials science have led to the creation of micro-electronic devices, large-scale additive manufacturing techniques and hypersonic vehicles.
Graduating Career Ready
Our faculty expertise spans functional and structural materials as well as computational and experimental materials techniques. All undergraduate MSE students progress through an ABET-accredited curriculum where they learn by doing and integrate design and manufacturing with materials science. The knowledge that students gain in their undergraduate degree program helps them become valued members of the workforce. Our MSE graduates are highly sought after across a wide range of industries and graduate programs.
I am looking forward to working together as you start this journey toward becoming a materials engineering professional!
Patrick R. Taylor Endowed Department Leadership Chair Sammy Tin, Department Head