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Now more than ever, support from alumni, friends and corporate partners is critical for ensuring continued excellence in the UA Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Generous contributions not only support student scholarships, but also they fund important programs and help the department attract and retain prominent faculty.
To make a donation to UA Materials Science and Engineering, visit the ;UA Foundation’s giving page or see the College of Engineering’s giving options.
Donation Highlight
Endowment Makes Grad School Possible
John Lombardi, MSE 1995 and PhD 1996, launched Ventana Research Corp. in 2001. Recognizing the value of a graduate degree, he helped establish the Next Generation of Engineering Professionals Endowment to support domestic students working to earn graduate degrees in engineering at the UA.
"If you want to perform materials science engineering research and serve on government-funded research efforts, a doctorate would seem to me a minimum requirement."