Adam Printz

Harshbarger 146C
After completing his postdoctoral work in the department of materials science and engineering at Stanford University, assistant professor Adam Printz joined the UA Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in Fall 2018. Prior to his postdoctoral appointment at Stanford, he earned his PhD in nanoengineering from the University of California, San Diego, where he was awarded the Chancellor's Dissertation medal for his doctoral work.
Printz's research group is interested in materials design for soft and ultra-lightweight electronics with a focus on the chemical and physical interactions at interfaces. Their focus predominantly on printable metal halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications. Their work is aimed at addressing the chemical and mechanical instabilities of perovskite-based devices, the key challenges preventing wide scale adoption of these promising technologies. They attack these challenges through both benchtop and computational experiments, focusing on molecular interactions, scalable printing, and nanocompositing. Their work has received funding through the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy, including the prestigious NSF CAREER and DOE Early Career awards.
- PhD NanoEngineering
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States
- Understanding and improving the mechanical stability of semiconducting polymers for flexible and stretchable electronics
- MS NanoEngineering
- University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, US
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, Tucson (2018 - Ongoing)
- Stanford University (2016 - 2018)
- University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California (2012 - 2016)
Polymer science | Surface and Intermolecular Forces | Transport Phenomena
Renewable energy | Solution-processed electronics | Intermolecular interactions | Scalable printing of electronics | Perovskite solar cells | Organic electronics | Flexible and stretchable electronics | Polymeric materials | Data science for material design and selection
Heat Transfer+Fluid Flow
CHEE 203 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 203 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 203 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 203 (Spring 2021)
Honors Independent Study
CHEE 299H (Fall 2021)
CHEE 399H (Fall 2021)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2023)
CHEE 499H (Spring 2022)
Chem Engineering Lab I
CHEE 301A (Fall 2024)
CHEE 301A (Fall 2023)
CHEE 391 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 391 (Spring 2023)
Directed Research
CHEE 392 (Fall 2023)
Honors Directed Research
HNRS 392H (Fall 2024)
HNRS 392H (Spring 2024)
HNRS 392H (Fall 2023)
Independent Study
CHEE 399 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 399 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 499 (Fall 2022)
MSE 399 (Fall 2022)
MSE 499 (Spring 2024)
MSE 499 (Spring 2023)
MSE 599 (Fall 2022)
PHYS 599 (Spring 2024)
PHYS 599 (Fall 2023)
Introduction to Polymers
CHEE 483 (Fall 2024)
CHEE 483 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 483 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 483 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 483 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 483 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 583 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 583 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 583 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 583 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 583 (Fall 2019)
CHEE 497 (Fall 2018)
CHEE 597 (Fall 2018)
Senior Capstone
MSE 498 (Spring 2024)
MSE 498 (Fall 2023)
Honors Thesis
BIOC 498H (Spring 2023)
BIOC 498H (Fall 2022)
Chemical Engineering
CHEE 696A (Spring 2024)
CHEE 696A (Fall 2023)
CHEE 696A (Spring 2023)
CHEE 696A (Fall 2022)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2021)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2020)
CHEE 900 (Spring 2020)
CHEE 900 (Fall 2019)
MSE 900 (Spring 2023)
MSE 900 (Fall 2022)
MSE 910 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2024)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2023)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2023)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2022)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2022)
CHEE 920 (Fall 2021)
CHEE 920 (Spring 2021)
Selected Publications
- Alkhadra, M. A., Kleinschmidt, A. T., Root, S. E., Rodriquez, D., Printz, A. D., Savagatrup, S., & Lipomi, D. J. (2019). Mechanical Properties of Semiconducting Polymers. In Handbook of Semiconducting Polymers, Fourth Edition; Conjugated Polymers: Properties, Processing, and Apllications. CRC Press.
- Printz, A. D. (2023). Influence of Halides on the Interactions of Ammonium Acids with Metal Halide Perovskites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(20), 24387-24398. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c01432
- Printz, A. D., Chen, A. X., Hilgar, J. D., Samoylov, A. A., Pazhankave, S. S., Bunch, J. A., Choudhary, K., Esparza, G. L., Lim, A., Luo, X., Chen, H., Runser, R., McCulloch, I., Mei, J., Hoover, C., Romero, N. A., & Lipomi, D. J. (2022). Increasing the Strength, Hardness, and Survivability of Semiconducting Polymers by Crosslinking. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2202053. doi:10.1002/admi.202202053
- Dailey, M., Li, Y., & Printz, A. D. (2021). Residual Film Stresses in Perovskite Solar Cells: Origins, Effects, and Mitigation Strategies. ACS Omega. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c04814
- Li, Y., Dailey, M., Lohr, P. J., & Printz, A. D. (2021). Performance and stability improvements in metal halide perovskite with intralayer incorporation of organic additives. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. doi:10.1039/D1TA05252G
- Prete, M., Ogliani, E., Bregnhøj, M., Lissau, J. S., Dastidar, S., Rubahn, H., Engmann, S., Skov, A. L., Brook, M. A., Ogilby, P. R., Printz, A., Turkovic, V., & Madsen, M. (2021). Synergistic effect of carotenoid and silicone-based additives for photooxidatively stable organic solar cells with enhanced elasticity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. doi:10.1039/D1TC01544C
- Printz, A. D., Li, Y., & Dailey, M. (2021). Residual Film Stresses in Perovskite Solar Cells: Origins, Effects, and Mitigation Strategies. ACS Omega, 6(45), 30214-30223. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c04814
- Printz, A. D., Li, Y., Dailey, M., & Lohr, P. J. (2021). Performance and stability improvements in metal halide perovskite with intralayer incorporation of organic additives. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(30), 16281-16338. doi:10.1039/d1ta05252g
- Printz, A., Prete, M., Ogliani, E., Bregnhøj, M., Lissau, J. S., Dastidar, S., Rubahn, H., Engmann, S., Skov, A. L., Brook, M. A., Ogilby, P. R., Turkovic, V., & Madsen, M. (2021). Synergistic effect of carotenoid and silicone-based additives for photooxidatively stable organic solar cells with enhanced elasticity. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9(35), 11838-11850. doi:10.1039/d1tc01544c
- Gutwald, M., Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Zhao, O., Elmaraghi, H., Ding, Y., Zhang, J., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2020). Perspectives on Intrinsic Toughening Strategies and Passivation of Perovskite Films with Organic Additives. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS.
- Printz, A. D., Zhao, O., Hamann, S., Rolston, N., Solgaard, O., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2020). Self-aligned concentrating immersion-lens arrays for patterning and efficiency recovery in scaffold-reinforced perovskite solar cells. APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY, 20, 100704.
- Prolongo, S. G., Printz, A. D., Rolston, N., Watson, B. L., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018). Poly(triarylamine) composites with carbon nanomaterials for highly transparent and conductive coatings. THIN SOLID FILMS, 646, 61-66.
- Rolston, N., Bush, K. A., Printz, A. D., Gold-Parker, A., Ding, Y., Toney, M. F., McGehee, M. D., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018). Engineering Stress in Perovskite Solar Cells to Improve Stability. ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, 8(29).
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Tracy, J. M., Weerasinghe, H. C., Vak, D., Haur, L. J., Priyadarshi, A., Mathews, N., Slotcavage, D. J., McGehee, M. D., Kalan, R. E., Zielinski, K., Grimm, R. L., Tsai, H., Nie, W., Mohite, A. D., Gholipour, S., Saliba, M., Gratzel, M., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018). Effect of Cation Composition on the Mechanical Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, 8(9).
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Dupont, S. R., Voroshazi, E., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2017). Effect of heat, UV radiation, and moisture on the decohesion kinetics of inverted organic solar cells. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 170, 239-245.
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Hilt, F., Hovish, M. Q., Bruning, K., Tassone, C. J., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2017). Improved stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells with submicron flexible barrier films deposited in air. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5(44), 22975-22983.
Proceedings Publications
- Li, Y., Printz, A., Dailey, M., Lohr, P., & Samoylov, A. (2022). Scalable Approaches to Address Thermomechanical and Chemical Instabilities in Metal Halide Perovskites. In Gordon Research Conference.
- Printz, A., Atajanov, R., Engmann, V., Bregnhøj, M., Inasaridze, L., Ogliani, E., Volyniuk, D., Dastidar, S., Obrezkov, F., Grazulevicius, J. V., Prete, M., Engmann, S., Rubahn, H., Ladegaard Skov, A., Brook, M. A., Troshin, P., Ogilby, P. R., Madsen, M., & Sandby Lissau, J. (2022). Naturally occurring antioxidants for photooxidatively stable flexible organic solar cells. In nanoGe Spring Meeting.
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Hilt, F., Hovish, M. Q., Dauskardt, R. H., Bruning, K., & Tassone, C. J. (2018). Spray Plasma Processing of Barrier Films Deposited in Air for Improved stability of Flexible Electronic Devices. In 2018 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC), 138-140.
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Tracy, J. M., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018). Effect of Composition and Microstructure on the Mechanical Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. In 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC & 34th EU PVSEC), 3509-3513.
- Sawyer, E. J., Savagatrup, S., O'Connor, T. F., Makaram, A. S., Burke, D. J., Zaretski, A. V., Printz, A. D., & Lipomi, D. J. (2014, October). Toward intrinsically stretchable organic semiconductors: mechanical properties of high-performance conjugated polymers. In Organic Field-Effect Transistors XIII; and Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and Bioelectronics VII.
- Printz, A. D. (2019, April). Design Considerations for Flexibility, Stretchability, and Robustness in Next-Generation Thin-Film Electronics. University of Arizona, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Seminar.
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Hilt, F., Hovish, M. Q., Bruning, K., Tassone, C. J., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018, June). Spray Plasma Processing of Barrier Films Deposited in Air for Improved Stability of Flexible Electronic Devices. 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL INTERCONNECT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (IITC).
- Rolston, N., Printz, A. D., Tracy, J. M., & Dauskardt, R. H. (2018, June). Effect of Composition and Microstructure on the Mechanical Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. 2018 IEEE 7TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY CONVERSION (WCPEC) (A JOINT CONFERENCE OF 45TH IEEE PVSC, 28TH PVSEC & 34TH EU PVSEC).
- Printz, A., Rolston, N., Watson, B., & Dauskardt, R. (2017, APR 2). Reinforced perovskite solar cells designed with integrated polymer scaffolding for robust, efficient photovoltaics. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.
- Rolston, N., Printz, A., Dong, S., Watson, B., & Dauskardt, R. (2017, APR 2). Dense silica barrier films for improved efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells deposited in ambient air. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.
- Watson, B., Rolston, N., Bush, K., Printz, A., & Dauskardt, R. (2017, APR 2). Overcoming the mechanical fragility of perovskite solar cells using novel cross-linking chemical additives and scaffolds. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.
- Distinguished Young Scholar Seminar Series Speaker
- University of Washington, Department of Chemical Engineering, Summer I 2017
- Best Poster Nomination
- Materials Research Society, Spring 2017
- Chancellor's Dissertation Medal
- University of California, San Diego, Summer I 2016
- NanoEngineering Honorable Mention Poster
- University of California, San Diego, Spring 2015
- NanoEngineering Best Poster
- University of California, San Diego, Jacobs School Research Expo, Spring 2014