Frisbee Without Borders

Please join the UA Chapter of Engineers Without Borders for its semi-annual Ultimate Fisbee tournament, Frisbee Without Borders! Frisbee Without Borders will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2014 on the east end of the UA Mall. Same-day registration starts at 1:30 pm and game play starts at 2:00 pm. Cost of registration is $10 per person ($9 for returning teams) and includes a t-shirt (tie dye available!), refreshments, and valuable prizes like gift cards to local restaurants for the winning teams! Sign up with a team of five to nine people or individually if you would like to be placed on a pick-up team.
Frisbee Without Borders has been a big hit in previous semesters. The tournament usually features a mix of non-competitive and very competitive teams, making it fun for everyone. Last year, out of all 8 teams, EWB-UA had a new champion and managed to raise several hundred dollars in sponsorships and registration.
To register early, please mail the registration form to ewb.arizona@gmailcom
See more at the EWB-UA website and find out more on Facebook here.