MSE alumna Jessica Rimsza awarded prestigious fellowship

Aug. 3, 2012

Rimsza earned her bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Arizona in December 2011, after only three and a half years of study. While at UA, she worked in Dr. Renee Corrales’ lab developing liquids for semiconductor cleaning. Earlier this year her research was published in the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry.

As Rimsza was finishing her undergraduate degree, Corrales suggested she consider working with Dr. Jincheng Du at UNT for her graduate work. Corrales and Du previously worked together at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash. Rimsza took a weekend trip from Houston, where she was interning for ExxonMobil’s Materials and Corrosion Group, to visit the campus and decided it was the right fit for her. Read full article here.

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