MSE Grad Student Rajesh Balachandran Wins Best Student Presentation at SEMATECH Conference

MSE graduate student Rajesh Balachandran was recently awarded the distinction of Best Student Presentation for his talk on "Characterization of Stable and Transient Cavitation Using a Novel Electrochemical Sensor for Development of an Effective and Damage-free Megasonic Cleaning Process" (please see below for details on the authors for this paper). The presentation was given at the 2014 SEMATECH Surface Cleaning and Preparation Conference held April 22-24, 2014 in Austin, Texas. Congratulations Rajesh!
Author information:
Rajesh Balachandran (1), Mingrui Zhao (2), Petrie Yam (3), Claudio Zanelli (3), Reyes Sierra (2), Manish Keswani (1)
(1) - Materials Science and Engineering Department, University of Arizona
(2) - Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Arizona
(3) - Onda Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA