MSE's Elsa Morales receives the 2013 William Primm Cosart Award.

May 8, 2013

The College of Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards Luncheon was held on May 8, 2013 in the SUMC-Catalina Room. Elsa Morales, Administrative Associate in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE), received the 2013 William Primm Cosart Award. The prestigious award honors and rewards staff for exceptional service in support of the College's mission. Elsa was nominated by MSE Department Head Pierre Deymier: "Elsa is fully dedicated to her programs and her students. She tirelessly advises, guides, and assists students with academic and administrative issues. This help is given with her expert touch as well as a lot of personal care.” Elsa was awarded a $1,500 cash award.


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