Undergraduate Degrees
Focus on Your Interests with a BS in Materials Science and Engineering
MSE offers a Bachelor of Science with a flexible, multidisciplinary curriculum so you can focus on the areas that interest you most.
- Optical materials
- Physical metallurgy
- Ceramics
- Polymers
- Biomaterials
- Cultural materials and restoration
Accelerated Master’s Program
The UA Graduate College gives exceptional students in materials science and engineering the option to earn a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in as few as five years. See MSE graduate degrees for more information.
Four-Year Degree Plans
The College of Engineering’s four-year degree plans provide the advised sequence of courses for a BS in materials science and engineering.
Visit MSE undergraduate courses for selected syllabi, or see the UA Catalog for a full list of MSE courses.
Advanced Standing
Engineering students wishing to take 300- and 400-level classes must first be granted advanced standing through the College of Engineering.