Loy Develops Novel Sunscreen Eligible for FDA Fast Track

July 26, 2016
woman wearing straw hat, applying sunscreen to shoulder

MSE professor Douglas A. Loy has developed microscopic particles of ultraviolet-absorbing plastics prepared by the copolymerization of phenols with aromatic and conjugated aldehydes, like cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde, for use as sunscreens. 

The resulting sunscreens provide an inexpensive and nontoxic alternative that is capable of absorbing both UV-A and UV-B wavelength radiation. 

“Making sunscreens from solid microscopic particles of UV-absorbing plastics provides better protection for longer than commercial sunscreens while avoiding exposure to the organic chemicals used in traditional sunscreens,” said Loy. 

The new technology, which is available for licensing through Tech Launch Arizona, may be fast-tracked for FDA approval.

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